Introduction To Job Launch
The Jobs Ready To Launch blade displays all Jobs that are ready to be launched. Within Kradle there are three types of Job:
- Regular jobs (represented in the list by a white circle)
- Scheduled jobs (represented in the list by a circle and clock.)
- Gigs (represented in the list by a dotted circle)
Note: a Gig is an often used, repeatable, typically simple process – for example, a leave request.
Jobs will appear in the Jobs Ready To Launch list if they have been released from the Job Preparation stage by selecting Save, Validate & Release.
Once launched, a Job cannot be edited.
Launching A Job – Navigation
When selecting a Job from the Jobs Ready To Launch list, a new Job Launch blade will open.
The Job Launch blade displays the Job Name and has three tabs: General, Job Fields and Flowchart.
1. Checklist
- All Jobs can have up to ten (10) checks assigned to them. All ten are fully customizable and are set in the Job Management | Job Launch checklist blade. For example, checklist items could include PO received, staff allocated, stock available, etc.
- Once set, these checks must be completed (checked) and cleared before a Job can be launched.
- To see a job’s checklist click the Job Checklist icon within the Job Launch blade.
- After checking the Job Checklist items as completed, click the Save icon
Adding a Checklist to a Job is optional and can be left blank.
2. Job Log
- The Job Log blade displays the history of the job since it’s creation and can be accessed by clicking Job Log icon
- Users with appropriate administrative Premissions can also manually add notes into the Job log by clicking the Add Job Note icon
3. Return To Preparation
- The Template Name, Job Name, Job Description, Job Fields and Flowchart are shown for confirmation only. If changes are required, the Job must be returned to the Job Preparation stage by clicking the Return To Preparation icon
4. Launch
- Once the Job is ready to be launched and all Job Checklist items have been checked as complete (if appropriate) click the Launch icon
to start your Job.
Introduction To Job Launch
The Jobs Ready To Launch blade displays all Jobs that are ready to be launched. Within Kradle there are three types of Job:
- Regular jobs (represented in the list by a white circle)
- Scheduled jobs (represented in the list by a circle and clock.)
- Gigs (represented in the list by a dotted circle)
Note: a Gig is an often used, repeatable, typically simple process – for example, a leave request.
Jobs will appear in the Jobs Ready To Launch list if they have been released from the Job Preparation stage by selecting Save, Validate & Release.
Once launched, a Job cannot be edited.
Launching A Job – Navigation
When selecting a Job from the Jobs Ready To Launch list, a new Job Launch blade will open.
The Job Launch blade displays the Job Name and has three tabs: General, Job Fields and Flowchart.
1. Checklist
- All Jobs can have up to ten (10) checks assigned to them. All ten are fully customizable and are set in the Job Management | Job Launch checklist blade. For example, checklist items could include PO received, staff allocated, stock available, etc.
- Once set, these checks must be completed (checked) and cleared before a Job can be launched.
- To see a job’s checklist click the Job Checklist icon within the Job Launch blade.
- After checking the Job Checklist items as completed, click the Save icon
Adding a Checklist to a Job is optional and can be left blank.
2. Job Log
- The Job Log blade displays the history of the job since it’s creation and can be accessed by clicking Job Log icon
- Users with appropriate administrative Premissions can also manually add notes into the Job log by clicking the Add Job Note icon
3. Return To Preparation
- The Template Name, Job Name, Job Description, Job Fields and Flowchart are shown for confirmation only. If changes are required, the Job must be returned to the Job Preparation stage by clicking the Return To Preparation icon
4. Launch
- Once the Job is ready to be launched and all Job Checklist items have been checked as complete (if appropriate) click the Launch icon
to start your Job.