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Introduction To Job Preparation

Job Preparation can be thought of as a final gatekeeper before launching a Job.

Within this blade, two types of jobs can be seen and toggle between, including Regular Jobs and Scheduled Jobs.

  • Regular Jobs are the standard format, manually controlled and launched.
  • Scheduled Jobs are scheduled to launch on a set date and time.


Regular Jobs in preparation can be ā€˜heldā€™ until such a time as when they are ready to be launched and Scheduled Jobs can be prepared so that they are ready to launch at the scheduled time/date.

Creating A Regular Job Into Preparation

In order to use Job Preparation, you are required to have a saved Job Template in your account.

  1. Navigate to Process Manager | Job Preparation from the menu to open the Job Preparation blade.
  2. Whilst on the Regular tab, click the Create New Job .
  3. From the Job Template Selection blade, select the template that you would like to add to the Job Preparation list then click the Assign Job Template icon .

Ā  Ā To easily navigate all saved Job Templates, click the Show Template Folder icon . This will allow for simple filtering between Template Folders. Simply click the radial folder that you wish to open and then click Close Filter. After applying a filter, to see all Templates across all available Template Folders, click the Show All Templates icon .

4. The Create New Job blade will now open, allowing you to enter a Job Name as well as editing:

    • Fields
    • Estimates
    • Flowchart Structure & Tasks

5. When the job has been named (and all edits have been made) click the Save / Validate / Release Job icon.

6. The options are as follows:

    • Save ā€“ this will add the job to the Job Preparation list
    • Save & Validate ā€“ this will perform validation checks on the job as well as adding it to the Job Preparation list
    • Save, Validate & Release ā€“ this will validate and launch the task (skipping the Job Preparation stage), moving it into the Job Launch blade.

Creating A Scheduled Job Into Preparation

Ā  Only templates that have been marked as ā€œSuitable for scheduleā€ in the Job Template will be visible in the Schedule Job Preparation list.

  1. Navigate to Process Manager | Job Preparation from the menu to open the Job Preparation blade.
  2. Whilst on the Scheduled tab, click the Create New Job & Schedule
  3. From the Job Template Selection blade, select the Template that you would like to add to the Job Preparation list then click the Assign Job Template icon.
  4. The Create New Job & Schedule blade will now open, allowing you to enter a scheduled Job name as editing:
    • Ā Fields
    • Estimates
    • Flowchart Structure & Tasks
    • Scheduled Date & Interval
  5. When the Job has been named, scheduled and all edits have been made, click the Save Job & Schedule icon
  6. The options are as follows:
    • Save ā€“ this will add the Job to the Scheduled Job Preparation list. The Job will then launch at the specified scheduled time
    • Save & Validate ā€“ this will perform validation checks on the job as well as adding it to the Scheduled Job Preparation list. The Job will then launch at the specified scheduled time
    • Save, Validate & Release ā€“ this will validate and launch the Task (skipping the Job Preparation stage), moving it into the Job Launch blade.

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Introduction To Job Preparation

Job Preparation can be thought of as a final gatekeeper before launching a Job.

Within this blade, two types of jobs can be seen and toggle between, including Regular Jobs and Scheduled Jobs.

  • Regular Jobs are the standard format, manually controlled and launched.
  • Scheduled Jobs are scheduled to launch on a set date and time.

Regular Jobs in preparation can be ā€˜heldā€™ until such a time as when they are ready to be launched and Scheduled Jobs can be prepared so that they are ready to launch at the scheduled time/date.

Creating A Regular Job Into Preparation

In order to use Job Preparation, you are required to have a saved Job Template in your account.

  1. Navigate to Process Manager | Job Preparation from the menu to open the Job Preparation blade.
  2. Whilst on the Regular tab, click the Create New Job .
  3. From the Job Template Selection blade, select the template that you would like to add to the Job Preparation list then click the Assign Job Template icon .

Ā  Ā To easily navigate all saved Job Templates, click the Show Template Folder icon . This will allow for simple filtering between Template Folders. Simply click the radial folder that you wish to open and then click Close Filter. After applying a filter, to see all Templates across all available Template Folders, click the Show All Templates icon .

4. The Create New Job blade will now open, allowing you to enter a Job Name as well as editing:

    • Fields
    • Estimates
    • Flowchart Structure & Tasks

5. When the job has been named (and all edits have been made) click the Save / Validate / Release Job icon.

6. The options are as follows:

    • Save ā€“ this will add the job to the Job Preparation list
    • Save & Validate ā€“ this will perform validation checks on the job as well as adding it to the Job Preparation list
    • Save, Validate & Release ā€“ this will validate and launch the task (skipping the Job Preparation stage), moving it into the Job Launch blade.

Creating A Scheduled Job Into Preparation

Ā  Only templates that have been marked as ā€œSuitable for scheduleā€ in the Job Template will be visible in the Schedule Job Preparation list.

  1. Navigate to Process Manager | Job Preparation from the menu to open the Job Preparation blade.
  2. Whilst on the Scheduled tab, click the Create New Job & Schedule
  3. From the Job Template Selection blade, select the Template that you would like to add to the Job Preparation list then click the Assign Job Template icon.
  4. The Create New Job & Schedule blade will now open, allowing you to enter a scheduled Job name as editing:
    • Ā Fields
    • Estimates
    • Flowchart Structure & Tasks
    • Scheduled Date & Interval
  5. When the Job has been named, scheduled and all edits have been made, click the Save Job & Schedule icon
  6. The options are as follows:
    • Save ā€“ this will add the Job to the Scheduled Job Preparation list. The Job will then launch at the specified scheduled time
    • Save & Validate ā€“ this will perform validation checks on the job as well as adding it to the Scheduled Job Preparation list. The Job will then launch at the specified scheduled time
    • Save, Validate & Release ā€“ this will validate and launch the Task (skipping the Job Preparation stage), moving it into the Job Launch blade.