Introduction To Job Template Folders
- Select Process Manager | Job Template Folders from the menu to open the Job Template Folder blade.
- Job Templates are stored in user-configured folders based on a radial menu.
- The center of the menu (grey circle) is the entry point into the folder management system.
- It is the equivalent of a tree structure with the center being the top of the tree but instead of cascading down as in a family tree, it builds outwards in segments. Each segment being a folder, sub-folder, etc.
Double-clicking on a folder and double-clicking on the center of the radial menu provides zoom-in and zoom-out functions.
Creating A Job Template Folder
- In the Job Template Folders blade, click Add New Job Template Folder
- The Job Template Folder blade will appear. Select and enter:
- A Folder Name (this is required)
- A Folder Description (this is optional)
- Click the colour box below to choose a colour for your Job Template Folder.
- Click the Save icon
Editing / Deleting A Job Template Folder
- In the Job Template Folders blade, select a job template folder from the radial menu then click the Edit Job Template Folder icon.
- The Job Template Folder blade will appear allowing you to edit:
- Folder Name
- Folder Description
- Folder color
- To save your changes, click the Save icon
- To delete the Job Template folder, click the Delete Template Folder icon
Introduction To Job Template Folders
- Select Process Manager | Job Template Folders from the menu to open the Job Template Folder blade.
- Job Templates are stored in user-configured folders based on a radial menu.
- The center of the menu (grey circle) is the entry point into the folder management system.
- It is the equivalent of a tree structure with the center being the top of the tree but instead of cascading down as in a family tree, it builds outwards in segments. Each segment being a folder, sub-folder, etc.
Double-clicking on a folder and double-clicking on the center of the radial menu provides zoom-in and zoom-out functions.
Creating A Job Template Folder
- In the Job Template Folders blade, click Add New Job Template Folder
- The Job Template Folder blade will appear. Select and enter:
- A Folder Name (this is required)
- A Folder Description (this is optional)
- Click the colour box below to choose a colour for your Job Template Folder.
- Click the Save icon
Editing / Deleting A Job Template Folder
- In the Job Template Folders blade, select a job template folder from the radial menu then click the Edit Job Template Folder icon.
- The Job Template Folder blade will appear allowing you to edit:
- Folder Name
- Folder Description
- Folder color
- To save your changes, click the Save icon
- To delete the Job Template folder, click the Delete Template Folder icon